Producing Quality
Cooperativa Agrícola Nova Aliança - COANA was founded in 2005 with the objective of supplying fine table grapes to the most demanding international markets.
To be a reference in Brazil, with an international standard, in the provision of distribution and support services for the production of high added value grapes, by 2021.
Promote the development of all involved to grow sustainably through cooperation.
Ready for Quality?
It is with great pleasure that we see through this statement expressing all our satisfaction with this incredible supplier and partner that is Coana, we have worked together for over 10 years, a differentiated supplier, as it conveys credibility with the excellent quality of its products, giving us thus, the security to serve our customers well and establish increasingly solid partnerships, thank you to all of the Coana team who make our partnership worthwhile.

I would like to thank the company COOPERATIVA AGRICOLA NOVA ALIANCA – COANA, for the partnership that has been provided over the years with HORTIGIL HORTIFRUTI S/A. During this period we had the pleasure of meeting the company's owners, simple people who work on a daily basis in the vines of grapes, under the scorching sun of the Brazilian northeast, following all the processes from planting, pruning, harvesting of its most varied varieties of grapes, always striving for excellence in what they do. This partnership could only happen because we found in COANA and its partners what we are looking for in the national market, products with high quality control, honesty, sincerity, which makes COANA a company prepared for the growth of the grape market, serving as a reference for us from retail in the São Francisco Valley.Thank you for the opportunity to speak a little bit about this beautiful company in a few words.

We at Caeva Frutas, would like to express our sincere gratitude for the services to us as one of our most reliable regular suppliers. We could not conduct our business without you. We would like to take this opportunity and thank you for the partnership, the service, the concern and, above all, the high quality product that we recommend to our customers with our eyes closed. On behalf of the relationship we have built over these three years that we have worked together, thank you very much.We are closing this year with the certainty that we are on the right path and with the best partners. May there be many, many years yet to come.
Hoping for better days, receive the most sincere thank you from the Caeva Frutas family!!!

Hi ! I'm Paulo Sergio Silva, commercial director at the Raminho Importing company in São Paulo-SP. We have this beautiful partnership with Coana de Petrolina for many years , we know closely the care , seriousness and dedication so that all grape varieties arrive with correct quality and classification until the final destination , from harvesting . Nothing happens suddenly or by chance , over the years , Coana , with its Rikaru brand , has already conquered a special place in the market , fighting for the market with top of the line grapes . I can say here that we have customers that when we talk about Ricaru, they don't ask any more, they just give us the quantity. Whenever Coana's board of directors visited São Paulo,commented on the importance of the brand's entire year following on the market and I can say that this has improved a lot in recent times. Count on us at Raminho Importing to always provide the best of nature for everyone.

I want to thank Coana for our successful partnership, which began in 2012 with Mr. Márcio (In memory), and since then the business relationship has only been growing. We can only say that COANA is a serious, honest and loyal company with its customers.
Coana was the first company in the São Francisco Valley - Petrolina Grape sector to "open doors" for us and believe in our potential.
We can only say: Thank you!


Our most excellent quality standard in color, flavor and texture, premium grapes, export type for those looking for the best we produce.

Sonho Doce
Our newest line of gourmet grapes, special flavors for differentiated consumers.

Our focus on healthy living, classified and high standard grapes.

Cruzeiro do Sul
The route to reach quality grapes and the best cost-benefit